We have an abundance of attorneys for our next Friday Blitz but a short supply of law students! This is a great opportunity to help the public, learn a little law, work as a team, and get grounded! The Friday Blitz is where we work as teams responding to questions posted online by the public. Sometimes the question is serious, sometimes complicated and sometimes just plain hilarious! The Friday Blitz is never dull! On June 15th we will meet at Bluestein Attorneys on Taylor Street from 2:30-5. All information and sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0445a8a82ea1fc1-friday
Monthly Archives: May 2018
Looking back; moving forward!
2018 was a busy year! The Pro Bono Program established itself as the anchor for the corner of the 3rd floor. The office is bright and full of memories, ideas and plants! But moving from the old law school was just the beginning! A big step was the formation and implementation of our first Alumni Advisory Council. This core group of 10 dedicated former students met with our current board and have already started to add their voice and ideas to the pro bono mix.
Enjoy this infographic that highlights some of the actions taken by volunteer students in the past academic year, but know that it is the tip of the iceberg!