Author Archives: Pam Robinson


There is so much happening right now that I can hardly keep up but I wanted you to know that I am in the process of developing several pro bono opportunities resulting from recent events and challenges,  Watch this space for more information and to sign up to help, Please know we want to respond in an effective manner, and in a way that provides you, the law student with excellent opportunities to make a difference, If you have a specific concern or interest or even an idea, please share now.,edu

Take care or yourself and reach out to friends and family.

Pam Robinson

Stress as your friend!

When this TED Talk popped up in my Inbox, I let it sit there for a few days. Definitely interesting but I was a suspicious but after watching the full talk I could see her point of view and realized that some stress could be a good thing.

As we all face this new normal and feel the stress building, take a moment and rethink things



Staying home and staying busy

This stay at home thing will end!  but while you are stuck on the couch consider checking out the Equal Justice Works  site. Considering a summer or post graduate fellowship? Check out their resources and applications for these amazing public interest jobs.

Debt load got you down!  Check out their resources on debt relief and loan forgiveness. This is a good time to get active! You can only binge watch Netflix so much!