Author Archives: Pam Robinson

Stuff you can use… win a bet or be entertaining at a party!

Weird things people sue about!  Tripping over their own cat! No strawberries in their fruit salad! Voided warranty after they threw the computer across the room!  Really you can’t make this up

Enjoy your moment! Some day you can add to this list!

Stuff-we-hope-you-won’t-need-but-might-be-useful- because of Irma!

These tips came from Harvest Hope and were a bit different from the usual hurricane preparation ideas.  Stay safe

Hurricane Irma: Helpful Tips and Tricks
Turn your washing machine into a cooler: Fill it up with ice and close the lid to keep items cool. And don’t worry about what to do when the ice begins to melt; the machine is designed to drain water.
Your dishwasher can be a waterproof safe: It’s sealed to keep water in, so it should do just fine keeping it out too. Just make sure all your dishes are taken out before loading up important documents or belongings.
Water bottles and flashlights make great lanterns: Instead of purchasing an expensive lantern, try taping a flashlight to the bottom of a water bottle to illuminate a room. For a bigger glow, try a larger water jug with a head light strapped onto it.
Aluminum dish pans can keep your furniture out of water: It might not do much in major flooding, but if water begins to pool on your floor, placing those disposable aluminum cooking pans around the furniture legs can help minimize water damage.
Plastic bins and bags are your best friend: These are water tight and can store a variety of items you either want to keep safe or dry.
Make extra ice ahead of time: Freeze water in bags or bottles. When the power goes out, you’ll likely need it.
Fill up the tub with water: You might not need it for drinking, but it will come in handy if you’re looking for water for cleaning, boiling or flushing!
Take pictures before the storm: It’ll be a big help for insurance purposes, in case you have to make a claim due to damage. All you need is your cell phone. The best thing to do is walk through each room slowly, narrating what the camera is looking at and take a visual inventory of things covered by your insurance policy. Make sure to send that video to someone or upload it to the cloud, so you have it when you need it.
Store is out of bottled water for drinking? buy ice and let it melt, it starts with filtered water!

Volunteer in your pj’s

everyone has an hour to spare!  Why not use it to do something useful?  We have a couple of projects that have been broken down into simple one hour tasks. You might learn something for sure you will be helping others be more efficient and accurate in the information they disseminate.

One involves updating a list of statutes for a SC Department of Juvenile Justice training manual

Another is updating pages in the SC Bar Ask a Lawyer Manual.

To volunteer just send an email to Pam Robinson   she will send you your assignment and instructions.


Pam Robinson

6 September 2017

Why is Grace Chandler a Star?  She stepped up in the Spring for a dull project- data entry! Yuck. The Pro Bono Program needed someone to enter the information on the Intake Forms from the  HELP-Homeless Legal Clinic.  This was a routine that required someone who could decipher lawyer handwriting and acronyms and Grace was up to the challenge.  She would drop in between classes to enter date.  What is extra special about our Star Volunteer!  She is continuing this project this semester!  The HELP forms piled up over the summer but Grace is here between classes and spading assignments entering data. For her dedication to this simple but necessary task Grace has been named a STAR volunteer by the Pro Bono Program.

Congratulate Grace and if you get a photo of her with her dressed up locker, please share

STAR Volunteer

What is a Star Volunteer?  A Star volunteer is someone that the members of the Pro Bono Program Board believe has jumped out ahead and just done a great job. It may be a small project, a one time event or just a difficult task that needed to be done and they stepped up with a great attitude.  There is no regular pattern to this recognition. You can’t apply for it, It will happen spontaneously and without notice. Suddenly a Star Balloon and a sign appear on your mailbox announcing that you are Star Volunteer.

Information about what volunteer efforts you made will be posted on this blog. Enjoy your moment in the stars and know that you are being appreciated.