Category Archives: Harvest Hope Food Bank
The Roaring 20’s are Calling
Each year Harvest Hope Food Bank holds a HUGE fundraising Gala and Silent Auction. This year the event is March 16th and the theme is “The Roaring 20’s”
Harvest Hope needs the help of 10-15 volunteers to assist with the auction. You can dress up or just wear a cocktail dress or dark suit! The tickets are usually $120 apiece but you get in free! Dinner, dancing and drinks for a few hours of your time! Only a deal the Great Gatsby would make!
Can my boy/girl friend volunteer even if they are not a law student? YES What time will I have to arrive? 5pm, in order to get trained on the electronic auction system Will I have fun and help HHFB raise a ton of $$$$? YES How do I sign up? The first 15 people to contact the Pro Bono Program get to go to this event
Busy, busy, busy Spring!
Lots of activity in the Pro Bono world coming up!
Mark your calendar for the following events and check the links on the Events page for details
March 1st Deadline to submit Konduros Public Interest Fellows Application
March 5th Chili Cookoff For CASA- 12:30 Perrin Lobby
April 2-6 Spring Food Drive!
10,000 pounds of food =PIZZA Party
You did it! The goal of Harvest Hope-oween was to collect 10,000 pounds of food and money for Harvest Hope Food Bank.
Your reward as promised! Dean Wilcox is springing for pizza for everyone who participated.
Join us in the courtyard on Tuesday, Oct. 31st. at 12:30! See you there and don’t be afraid!
Spiders are scary…
and so are many things but hunger should not be among them! We may need professional help to get over our fear of snakes ( not going to happen!) but Harvest Hope Food Bank works hard every day to overcome South Carolinians food insecurity.
Now we can do our part to help!
Bring in your cans and bags of non-perishable food to the Student Commons anytime between Oct. 23-27th and watch the thermometer rise as we aim for 10,000 pounds! A very tasty surprise awaits everyone if we reach that goal- thanks Dean Wilcox.
You claim you never go the grocery store? How about Amazon ( send to Room 386 % Pro Bono Program? Or donate using Venmo (@usclawprobono)
Make this a Happy Harvest-Oween!